On the 25th January I had the privilege to address the EU Military Committee to present our latest Six Months Report; an update on the achievements and challenges faced by the Operation within the previous semester.
The guiding lines of the report include a clean slate on our missions formerly referred as core tasks (piracy and protection of the WFP vessels and other vulnerable ships); a comprehensive effort to overcome the consequences of the non-renewal of the UNSC Resolution 2608 (2021), that affected our capacity to perform these two duties, or the purpose, instilled in our mandate, to become a comprehensive Maritime Security Provider.
The end of 2022 also brought the renewal of our mandate under these premises. We thank the EU and its member States for the trust granted year after year to the Operation and to the men and women that are at its core. The new mandate builds up on the major changes introduced on the previous mandate at the end of 2020 with adapted tasks and an enhanced focus against IUU Fishing and on the support to Capacity Building.
I dedicated a part of my presentation to describe our hopes and expectations about the fitment of Atalanta within the main strategic documents and concepts developed by the EU that affect or refer to the domain of Maritime Security, such as the Strategic Compass or the establishment of a new diplomatic tool, the Coordinated Maritime Presences in the North-West Indian Ocean.
One of the tasks given in the new mandate is to "develop further links and synergies with the European-led Maritime Awareness in the Strait of Hormuz (EMASOH)”. In this regard, I also had the opportunity to highlight how, during the last semester, the Operation has deepen its collaboration with EMASOH, mainly with its military pillar, AGENOR, and how we remain attentive and associated to the current talks regarding the future relation of EMASOH-AGENOR with the EU and, in particular, with Atalanta.
Finally, following the disappearance of the High Risk Area (HRA), Atalanta and the Combined Maritime Forces (CMF) strongly recommend to comply and fully support the implementation of the Best Management Practices (BMP-5). As it has been the case since its inception, EU NAVFOR Atalanta will continue to show its commitment to the safety and security of seafarers according to its mandate, with the duty to protect WFP vessels and other vulnerable ships, regardless of their flag. Thus, EU NAVFOR Atalanta strongly recommends to vessels transiting or operating across the region to register to MSCHOA Voluntary Registration Scheme, as well as reporting to UKMTO.

On 13th January, Italian EU NAVFOR Deputy Commander (DCOM) Rear Admiral Paolo Spagnoletta handed over his command to FR Rear Admiral Hilaire Ducellier. The Commander of the Operation, Vice-Admiral José María Núñez Torrente, thanked the former DCOM, stressing the outstanding job done and wishing the best professional and personal success in his new destination. At the same time, the Operation Commander welcomed Rear Admiral Hilaire Ducellier, highlighting his great experience and unique skills.

On 13th January, the designated Force Commander of EMASoH - Operation AGENOR, Belgian Captain Renaud Flamant, paid a visit to the Operations Headquarters in Rota Naval Base. This visit highlights the close relations between the two operations and the quest for synergies to improve the efficiency of the maritime security actions conducted by both Operations in the Western Indian Ocean. The links already established to exchange information or conduct joint activities at sea are evidence of the wide range of cooperative activities between EUNAVFOR and AGENOR.

On 16th January, a delegation of students and representatives of the French “Institut des Hautes Etudes de la Defense Nationale” (IHEDN), led by the Inspector General des Armees, General Florence Plessix, paid a visit to the Operation Atalanta Force Headquarters, on board flagship “Santa María”.
The delegation, hosted by the EU NAVFOR Atalanta Force Commander, Commodore Nuno Cortes Lopes, attended a presentation on the Operation, followed by a tour, where they had the opportunity to exchange impressions with ATALANTA crewmembers.

On the 19th January, Atalanta Operation Commander presented the old emblem of Operation Atalanta to the 22 Air Group of the Spanish Air and Space Force, stationed at Morón Airbase, to its Chief, COL Fernández Ambel, as a sign of the Operation’s recognition and gratitude for the outstanding contribution to EU NAVFOR Atalanta of the ESP P3M ORION during more than 14 years, and whose service life reached an end on 30th November 2022. Some of the most relevant milestones achieved were the rescue of the tuna fishing vessel “Alakrana” in 2009, Operation Tribal Kat in 2011, and the release of a French citizen kidnapped by a pirate boat in 2011. The airborne maritime surveillance capability will remain in EU NAVFOR, thanks to a D4 VIGMA provided by the Spanish Air and Space Force.
On the 25th January, EU NAVFOR Operation Commander, Vice Admiral Núñez Torrente, presented to the EU Military Committee the activities and progress achieved by the Operation in the previous six months. The report focused on the adaptability of the Operation to develop all its tasks after the Strategic Review of the Operation, the renewal of the Mandate for two more years, and the establishment of a new tool of EU naval diplomacy, the Coordinated Maritime Presences in the North-Western Indian Ocean. The new mandate sets the foundations to enhance the Operation’s role as a Maritime Security Provider.

The Operation Commander took the opportunity to maintain side encounters with the Military Representatives to the EU of Portugal, Belgium, Netherlands and Poland, with whom he exchanged an overview of the immediate challenges faced by the Operation.

On 26th January, a Japanese delegation, led by the Senior Research Fellow, Mr. Ippeita Nishida, of the Sasakawa Peace Foundation (SPF), visited the Operation Atalanta Headquarters. The visit was facilitated by the EU project ESIWA (Enhancing Security Cooperation In and With Asia). The objective consisted in fostering a better understanding of the respective Japanese and European perspectives in the maritime domain and ways to enhance cooperation to promote a free and open Indo-Pacific region. Japan remains one the most significant partners of EU NAVFOR and the Operation has enjoyed close operational interactions with the Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force (JMSDF) as well as with the JMSDF facilities in Djibouti. EUNAVFOR Atalanta and Japan’s Deployment counter-piracy force off Somalia and the Gulf of Aden (DPSA) have carried out close to 30 joint naval activities since the inception of the Operation, including numerous passing exercises, a joint port call on Djibouti in October 2020 and a trilateral EU-Japan-Djibouti exercise for counter-piracy in May 2021.
The ESIWA project aims at complementing the existing dialogues with tailor-made, concrete and operational cooperation with partners in Asia. Six countries are currently included in the project: Japan, South Korea, Vietnam, Indonesia, Singapore and India. Operation Atalanta remains committed to supporting the ESIWA project, especially its Maritime Security pillar, by promoting multilateralism, contributing to stability in the maritime domain and upholding the international rules-based system.
On 2nd January, on board flagship “Santa María”, the EUNAVFOR Force Commander Nuno Cortes Lopes met with European Union Ambassador to Tanzania, H.E. Manfredo Fanti, accompanied by the Spanish Deputy Ambassador to Tanzania, Mr José Ramos García. This meeting was an excellent opportunity to exchange points of view on the current maritime security situation in Tanzania and to explore areas of cooperation and synergies between the Operation and Tanzanian authorities.

On 17th January, on the occasion of a port visit in Djibouti, EU NAVFOR Atalanta Force Commander, Commodore Nuno Cortes Lopes, hosted on board flagship “Santa María” Ambassadors of the European Union and the Netherlands to the Republic of Djibouti, H.E. Sylvie Tabesse and H.E. Henk Jan Bakker. The Force Commander briefed them on the security situation in the Area of Operations and offered an update about the Operation, highlighting the excellent collaboration of EU NAVFOR with EU and Diplomatic representatives.
From 18th January, EU NAVFOR took part in Focused Operation Mare Liberum III, conducted by the Combined Task Force 151 (CTF 151), counter-piracy task force of Combined Maritime Forces. This Focused Operation counted on the participation of assets from Djibouti, Japan, Oman, the Republic of Korea, Spain, Turkey and Yemen and was carried out in the Gulf of Aden and the East Coast of Somalia, outside territorial waters.

Also on 18th January, Atalanta Force Commander, Commodore Nuno Cortes Lopes, hosted the visit of a delegation, led by the Puntland Maritime Police Force (PMPF) Director, along with representatives of EUCAP-Somalia on board of EU NAVFOR flagship “Santa María”.
This meeting allowed both Operation Atalanta and EUCAP-Somalia to reinforce the trust and cooperation with the PMPF, and to understand their capabilities and training requirements in order to plan future Maritime Capability Building activities with the PMPF.

On 29th January, the Combined Joint Task Force-Horn of Africa Deputy Commander, General Valerie Jackson, paid a visit to the Support Element Atalanta - Djibouti facilities and met with Officer in charge of the Support Element Atalanta, French Commander Dominique Giry and his staff. During the visit, they had the opportunity to receive an update on their missions and exchange impressions on common challenges. Operation Atalanta and the Combined Joint Task Force are strong international partners, cooperating to enhance regional development and maritime security.

On 30 January, the Coordinated Maritime Presences in the North-West Indian Ocean (CMP NWIO) organized a Symposium to promote this new EU concept together with the enhanced maritime cooperation between the EU and Omani maritime forces. The symposium was celebrated in the Omani Maritime Security Centre (MSC) and is part of the 1st EU CMP NWIO High Visibility Maritime Security Event in Muscat, Oman, jointly organized by the CMP NWIO, the EU Delegation to Oman in Riyadh, the Embassy of the Netherlands and the Embassy of Spain to Oman.
The symposium was attended by several Omani authorities, including the Chief of the Navy, the MSC directorate and representatives of various ministries, as well as eight EU Ambassadors accredited to Oman. CMP NWIO Senior Coordinator, EU Ambassador H.E. Michael Pulch, Operation ATALANTA Force Commander Commodore Nuno Lopes, EMASOH-AGENOR Force Commander Rear Admiral Renaud Flamant and CRIMARIO Project Manager Mr. Martin Cauchi were among the relevant speakers at this event.
After the symposium, the EUNAVFOR flagship, Spanish Frigate Santa Maria, offered a reception on board, organized with the assistance of the EU Delegation in Riyadh, the EEAS, the FCdr and the Spanish Embassy, for all the participants of the meeting.
During the month of January, Atalanta warmly welcomed the French Aeronaval Group (GAN) in Associate Support, led by the Aircraft Carrier “Charles De Gaulle”. These interactions with strategic members of the Operations are always an excellent opportunity to enhance EU NAVFOR's capabilities as Maritime Security Provider and improve interoperability between deployed assets.

On the 10th January, EU NAVFOR flagship ESPS “Santa María” carried out a joint activity at sea with the French Carrier Strike Group in Associated Support to the Operation. During the drill, Atalanta Force Commander, POR Commodore Nuno Cortes Lopes, held a meeting with Rear-Admiral Christophe Cluzel, Commander of the French Carrier Strike Group. Furthermore, an air defence exercise was executed, as well as a capability demonstration and a replenishment of fuel at sea, conducted by the French tanker Marne.
Also during the month of January, Atalanta welcomed ITS “Thaon di Revel”. This class of multipurpose offshore ships of the IT Marina Militare will depart in Associate Support joining the other EU NAVFOR assets to enhance Maritime Security in the Indian Ocean. This naval asset remains in direct support EMASoH-AGENOR, the maritime security initiative led by 9 European countries in the Strait of Hormuz to promote safe transit and freedom of navigation for merchant shipping. This support is a clear example of the synergies between both Operations, enhancing regional maritime security.
Besides the Force Command flagship, Spanish frigate ESPS “Santa María”, ITS Frigate “Bergamini” joined Atalanta on the 25th January. Additionally, the Italian Navy contributed with the Polyvalent High Seas Patrol Ship ITS “Thaon di Rivel” in associated support between 10th and 19th January. Also in associated support, the French Carrier Strike Group joined Atalanta from 22nd December to 14th January and from 22nd January to 10th February. This force consists of Aircraft Carrier FS “Charles de Gaulle”, frigates FS “Forbin” and FS “Provence”, replenishment ship FS “Marne” and MPRA Breguet Atlantic 2. This last MPRA was additionally associated to Atalanta in Direct Support on the 24th January. The Autonomous Vessel Protection Detachment is on stand-by readiness in its home country Lithuania.

Following the announced abolition of the High-Risk Area (HRA) from 1st January 2023, EU NAVFOR Atalanta continues to strongly recommend and fully support the shipping industry in the implementation the Best Management Practices 5 and underlines the need to include notification to the UKMTO and registration with the Maritime Security Centre - Horn of Africa #MSCHOA as part of voyage planning and execution.
Together with strategic partners, such as the Combined Maritime Forces, the Operation continues providing threat assessments to inform Company Security Officers when planning passage through the Voluntary Reporting Area (VRA), as piracy is suppressed but not yet eradicated.
In a complex and rapidly evolving scenario, with emerging threats to maritime security, EU NAVFOR Atalanta's commitment to the safety of seafarers remains intact with a recently extended and reinforced new mandate.

On 16th January, the staff of Operation Atalanta Orion Detachment delivered to Caritas Djibouti several materials donated by Spanish development associations, helping to spread some hope for these children. This close relationship is possible thanks to strong relations with the local communities and mutual trust.