Apr 26, 2018 - 14:03
On 21st April 2018 The Commanding Officer of EU NAVFOR’s Spanish P-3 Orion detachment met the Commander of EU NAVFOR Spanish warship ESPS Meteoro in Djibouti.

Lieutenant Colonel (Lt Col) Jose Molino Martínez of the Orion MPRA (Maritime Patrol and Reconnaissance Aircraft) detachment met with Lieutenant Commander (Lt Cdr) Juan Miguel Evangelista Pintado of the Meteoro, to better understand the capabilities of their respective units and how they can share information and coordinate their efforts to assist the Operation Atalanta counter-piracy mission.

Lt Col Molino briefed the Meteoro delegation about the objectives and operations of the Orion detachment and to highlight the support it can provide to Op Atalanta. The Orion detachment has been a part of the operation since 2009, assisting maritime vessels through surveillance and monitoring of areas with a high risk of piracy. It exceeded 10,000 flight hours last December.

Subsequently, Lt Cdr Evangelista and the Meteoro crew received Lt Col Molino and other officers from the Orion detachment aboard the Meteoro in the port of Djibouti. During this visit, the characteristics and capabilities of the Spanish Navy warship were explained. This is the third time that ESPS Meteoro has participated in this operation.

ESPS Meteoro and the Orion detachment will be working closely together over the coming months, preventing , deterring and repressing acts of piracy in Somalian waters and providing security to World Food Protection vessels and international merchant shipping.
