EU Naval Force And Combined Maritime Forces Strengthen Cooperation To Work Together Against Piracy

Apr 04, 2013 - 16:00

On 3 April 2013, whilst on counter piracy patrols in the Gulf of Aden, Rear Admiral Pedro García de Paredes, who is the Force Commander of EU NAVFOR, met with the Commander of the Combined Maritime Forces (CMF) counter-piracy task force, Rear Admiral Giam Hock Koon.

The meeting between the two force commanders was an excellent opportunity to reaffirm the high level of co-operation that exists between the two forces to counter piracy off Somalia. Both Rear Admiral García de Paredes and Rear Admiral Hock Koon stressed the importance of maintaining the co-ordination and information sharing between EU NAVFOR and CMF.

Speaking about the meeting held onboard the EU NAVFOR flagship ESPS Méndez Núñez, Rear Admiral García de Paredes said: “Both the EU Naval Force and CMF understand the need to maintain the joint effort to deter and disrupt piracy off the coast of Somalia.  This will be even more important during the forthcoming inter-monsoon period, when weather conditions make it easier for pirates to deploy at sea.  For this reason, counter-piracy forces and seafarers sailing through the High Risk Area need to keep a watchful eye.  This is not the time to lower our guard”.
