EU Naval Force Ship ESPS Victoria Rendezvous at Sea with Colombian Warship ARC 7 De Agosto

Oct 15, 2015 - 13:53

On Friday 9 October 2015, ESPS Victoria, which is currently deployed with Operation Atalanta off the coast of Somalia, rendezvoused at sea with Colombian warship, ARC 7 De Agosto.

During the meeting, the two ships carried out navigation manoeuvres and used their helicopters to replenish stores.

An exchange of crew members from each ship also served to strength the close relationship that exists between Operation Atalanta and the other task forces in the region.

Having previously worked in close collaboration with Operation Atalanta, the Colombian warship is now working with NATO’s counter-piracy Operation, Ocean Shield.

After the meeting at sea ESPS Victoria continued her patrols off the coast of Somalia to protect vulnerable World Food Progamme ships and deter acts of piracy.
