“European Union Naval Force Operation Atalanta continues fighting piracy, but we are also relevant in providing safety and security in these waters, to the international community and to the Somalian people”

RAdm Ignacio Villanueva Serrano.
34th Rotation Force Commander
European Naval Force Operation Atalanta and her Spanish frigate Santa María (ESPS STM) received a distress call from a drifting tug ship 200 NM away. The tug had been drifting for more than 10 days, with no water or food. When getting closer, Santa Maria helicopter AB-212 was launched in order to locate the ship. The helicopter found the ship with only one crewmember, and supplied him with food and water. Finally, the frigate arrived at the position of the tug and sent the boarding team in order to repair the engines. As it was not possible, Santa Maria frigate decided to conduct a risky towing maneuver. After more than 130NM, Spanish frigate Santa Maria arrived to the Somalian city of Bosaso, and deliver the tug to the national coast guard authorities.

EU launched the European Union Naval Force ATALANTA (EU NAVFOR) in December 2008 to protect vessels of the World Food Programme (WFP), deter, prevent and represses piracy and armed robbery at sea, monitor fishing activities off the coast of Somalia and support other EU missions and international organizations working to strengthen maritime security and capacity in the region. EU NAVFOR is one part of the EU’s “Integrated Approach”, tackling both, current symptoms and root causes of the problem. To support Somalia, the EU Delegation and other Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP) Missions in the region as EUCAP Somalia: (designed to support regional maritime capacity-building) and EUTM Somalia (military training of members of the Somali National Armed Forces) work together from a coherent, integrated CSDP package supporting the EU’s Strategic Framework for the Horn of Africa.

RAdm Ignacio Villanueva Serrano.
34th Rotation Force Commander
European Naval Force Operation Atalanta and her Spanish frigate Santa María (ESPS STM) received a distress call from a drifting tug ship 200 NM away. The tug had been drifting for more than 10 days, with no water or food. When getting closer, Santa Maria helicopter AB-212 was launched in order to locate the ship. The helicopter found the ship with only one crewmember, and supplied him with food and water. Finally, the frigate arrived at the position of the tug and sent the boarding team in order to repair the engines. As it was not possible, Santa Maria frigate decided to conduct a risky towing maneuver. After more than 130NM, Spanish frigate Santa Maria arrived to the Somalian city of Bosaso, and deliver the tug to the national coast guard authorities.

EU launched the European Union Naval Force ATALANTA (EU NAVFOR) in December 2008 to protect vessels of the World Food Programme (WFP), deter, prevent and represses piracy and armed robbery at sea, monitor fishing activities off the coast of Somalia and support other EU missions and international organizations working to strengthen maritime security and capacity in the region. EU NAVFOR is one part of the EU’s “Integrated Approach”, tackling both, current symptoms and root causes of the problem. To support Somalia, the EU Delegation and other Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP) Missions in the region as EUCAP Somalia: (designed to support regional maritime capacity-building) and EUTM Somalia (military training of members of the Somali National Armed Forces) work together from a coherent, integrated CSDP package supporting the EU’s Strategic Framework for the Horn of Africa.