Sep 23, 2024 - 15:20
  • The EUNAVFOR ATALANTA flagship and the Omani Navy warship met at sea to conduct tactical joint exercise.


  • Coordination and Cooperation protocol signed between ATALANTA and the Oman Maritime Security Centre was the framework to conduct the activity.


On 18 September, Operation ATALANTA flagship ESPS NUMANCIA conducted a joint activity at sea with the Royal Navy warship SADH and the Maritime Security Centre of the Sultanate of Oman. This is one more step forward to consolidate the cooperation and the information sharing between the Maritime Security Centre and units from both forces. The joint effort of maritime security partners ensures maximum effectiveness in addressing common threats at sea in the complex Area of Operations.

Prior to the joint activity at sea, a Command Post Exercise (CPX) was conducted to test and adjust all planned activities and to ensure the exchange of information between all participants.

The activity was developed under the framework of the "Coordination and Cooperation protocol for sharing information and expertise" between the Maritime Security Centre of the Sultanate of Oman and EUNAVFOR ATALANTA. The signature was performed on 14 June 2024 and underlined the already well-established relationship with the Maritime Security Centre. The protocol focuses on the cooperation on several areas including sharing information, coordination and the logistical aspect. All of this to anticipate and avoid maritime incidents, improving the freedom of navigation in the Western Indian Ocean.

The protocol was signed by Rear Admiral Saif Nassir Al Rahbi, Commander of the Royal Navy of Oman, Head of the Maritime Security Committee on the side of the Maritime Security Centre of Muscat and by Vice Admiral Villanueva Serrano on ATALANTA’s side.