An EU NAVFOR ship and helicopter, in cooperation with a South Korean navy helicopter from CTF 151 responded to an emergency call from MV SOUTHERN CROSS.
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After nearly five months of deployment EU NAVFOR Spanish warship SNS NUMANCIA and SNS MARQUES DE LA ENSENADA returned to Rota Spain under the command of Captain (N) Juan Garat Caramé who recently handed over the Force Command to Commodore Pieter Bindt of the Netherlands
Aug 24, 2009
Though the first priority for the European Union Naval Force ships in Operation Atalanta is the protection of World Food Programme (WFP) vessels delivering food aid to displaced persons in Somalia, they also support infrastructural measures to in
Aug 24, 2009
In a combined action including EU NAVFOR ships, fast rhibs, a helicopter and a Japanese maritime patrol aircraft, a suspected pirate skiff was stopped and disarmed.
Aug 22, 2009
After 4 months in the hands of pirates, HANSA STAVANGER slipped quietly into the port of Mombasa under the watchful eye of the EU NAVFOR ship FGS BRANDENBURG.
Aug 18, 2009
On the morning of 17 August a EU NAVFOR warship came to the rescue of the passengers and crew of a small boat that encountered engine failure in the middle of the Gulf of Aden.
Aug 18, 2009
At a ceremony in the Red Sea onboard the EU NAVFOR Spanish warship NUMANCIA Force Commander Captain (N) Juan Garat Caramé, handed over Command of the FHQ to Commodore Pieter Bindt of the Netherlands.
Aug 17, 2009
The European Union Naval Force frigate BREMEN, together with a Greek Navy ship, NAVARINON, under NATO command successfully prevented a pirate attack on a Turkish merchant ship early morning of the 14 August.
Aug 14, 2009
At a ceremony in the Red Sea onboard the EU NAVFOR Spanish warship NUMANCIA Force Commander Captain (N) Juan Garat Caramé, handed over Command of the FHQ to Commodore Pieter Bindt of the Netherlands.
Aug 13, 2009
After 4 months in the hands of pirates, HANSA STAVANGER slipped quietly into the port of Mombasa under the watchful eye of the EU NAVFOR ship FGS BRANDENBURG.
Aug 10, 2009
Ladies and Gentlemen,
Thank you for your interest in the European Union Naval Force (EU NAVFOR) support to the recently released ship HANSA STAVANGER.
Aug 07, 2009
To increase the knowledge about the European Union Naval Force and the aims of operation Atalanta, a liaison officer from the Djiboutian Navy was invited to participate in a patrol onboard the EU NAVFOR Swedish warship HMS TROSSOE.
Aug 06, 2009