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EU NAVFOR can confirm that the Greek cargo ship Ariana was freed on 10th December by Somali pirates after 7 months in captivity. The entire crew of 27 Ukrainian personnel, including 2 women, are believed to be well.
Dec 14, 2009
With a simple ceremony off Djibouti waters, onboard the EU NAVFOR Dutch warship EVERTSEN, RADM Giovanni GUMIERO, Italian Navy, took over Command of Task Force 465 from RADM Pieter BINDT, Netherlands Navy.
Dec 13, 2009
Today, 11 Dec 2009, Rear Admiral Thorsten Kaehler (German Navy) handed over the responsibility of Deputy Operation Commander of the European Union Naval Force Somalia Operation ATALANTA, the EU anti-piracy campaign in the Horn of Africa area, to Rear Admiral Bartolomé Bauzá (Spanish navy).
Dec 11, 2009
10 December 2009 marks the first anniversary of EU NAVFOR Somalia - Operation Atalanta, the successful EU Naval Force operations in the Gulf of Aden and the Somali Basin against piracy.
Dec 10, 2009
On 05 December a Pakistan flagged fishing vessel named Shahbaig was hijacked in the Indian Ocean, 320 nautical miles east of Socatra. With its 29 Persons on Board, understood to be Pakistani, the Somalian Pirates hold now 11 Ships and 283 Hostages along the Somali Coastline.
Dec 09, 2009
In the evening of December 6th approximately 250 nautical miles North West of Victoria Seychelles a pirate attack group was neutralized by EU NAVFOR and the Seychellois Coast Guard.
Dec 07, 2009
On December 7th 2009, EU NAVFOR Netherlands warship HNLMS Evertsen detected a sailing vessel in the Gulf of Aden. The region is considered a hotbed for piracy and is considered too dangerous for lone yachtsmen.
Dec 07, 2009
From 29 Nov to 2 Dec, Rear Admiral Peter Hudson Operational Commander of EU NAVFOR Somalia – Operation Atalanta, visitied Djibouti and Kenya to say thank you to the authorities for their cooperation in fighting piracy and for their excellent support to EU NAVFOR.
Dec 05, 2009
This afternoon the Antigua Barbuda flagged MV Charelle was released by pirates after spending nearly 6 months in pirate captivity. The MV Charelle was hijacked by pirates south of Oman the 12 June 2009. The ship has a crew of 10.
Dec 03, 2009
In the afternoon of 2 December, 150 nautical miles south of Salalah, Oman the Antigua & Barbuda flagged General Cargo Ship MV BBC Togo was attacked by pirates in two attack skiffs.
Dec 02, 2009
On Wednesday 2 December the Force Commander of the European Union Naval Force Somalia (EU NAVFOR), Commodore Pieter Bindt, met with his South Korean counterpart, Commander of the Republic of Korea Naval Escort Task Group, Captain Seung-Woo Kim on board the EU NAVFOR flagship Netherlands HNLM
Dec 02, 2009
On Tuesday 1 December 09, ITS ETNA under the Command of Capitano di Vascello Marco Novella sailed from Taranto to join the EU Naval Force operating off the Somali coast in its Anti Piracy mission. The ship will to take her place as Flagship of the European Union Anti Piracy Force.
Dec 02, 2009