EU NAVFOR wins management Award for operating

Jun 22, 2009 - 15:54
On 10 June, the winners of the Safety at Sea International Awards 2009 were presented their trophies at the Hotel Bristol in Oslo, Norway. Shipping companies that introduced safety related products and/or services that were new to the market in 2008 could enter.

There were four Award categories: Equipment, Systems, Training and Management/Operations. EU NAVFOR won the category Management/Operations for The Maritime Security Centre (Horn of Africa) website in the criteria: Management and operational initiatives that have been implemented or substantially improved and re-launched during 2008 were eligible. The winning entry was to be an initiative that demonstrates improved safe working practices or attitudes as a result of its implementation, either onshore or aboard-ship.

Comments from The Chair of the judging panel, Safety at Sea International's Managing Editor, Paul Gunton:

“What the judges were looking for was an initiative that demonstrates improved safe working practices or attitudes as a result of its implementation, either onshore or aboard-ship. The winner is The European Union Naval Force Operational Headquarters, for the EU Maritime Security Centre (Horn of Africa) operations reporting service.

Many of you may not be familiar with this web-based service, but it has been created to assist ships that transit the Gulf of Aden, Horn of Africa and the Somali Basin, to provide assurance against piracy in the region by coordinating maritime forces to protect shipping. It has been developed in consultation with the IMB, IMO, UKMTO and Merchant Navy Liaison Officers".

Lieutenant Commander Glen Forbes of the EU NAVFOR received the Award and stated:

“It’s an excellent opportunity for the military to be working so closely with the merchant shipping community. We’re very pleased with this prestigious award but we’d like a lot more companies to be involved in the work to protect shipping”.

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