During the period the 3rd Nov – 7th Nov, Operation Atalanta conducted Focused Counter-Piracy operation AARDVARK around the Somali Coast and across the Gulf Of Aden. The operation made use of all resources as they monitored merchant shipping adherence to Best Management Practices (#BMP5 ), skiff movements in the area of interest and to identify patterns of life in this vast, yet vital part of the world. The current piracy level remains low during the monsoon period, but the threat still exists and focused military operations to deter pirates in key sea going areas remains a priority. EUNAVFOR Somalia warships ITS Alpino and ESPS ReinaSofia were able to demonstrate their #counterpiracy capabilities during this period with additional weapon training, combined helicopter and boat operations and intelligence sharing. Merchant Vessels were urged to adhere to best counter-piracy practices and maintain their own high security readiness and to report anything suspicious.