EU NAVFOR new Force Commander visits ITS LIBECCIO

Aug 19, 2010 - 14:53
Tuesday 17 August, Force Commander Rear Admiral Philippe Coindreau visited the Italian frigate ITS LIBECCIO at sea.

The Force Commander was briefed on the operational capabilities of the warship and those of the special teams embarked for the Operation. He was also presented the explosive ordnance disposal/improvised explosive device disposal (EOD/IEDD) and the “San Marco Regiment” (the Marines of the Italian Navy). Rear Admiral Coindreau was taken on a roundtrip of the operational and living areas of the ship, where he has had the chance to meet and talk with members of the crew.

This visit, planned during a patrol cycle in the Gulf of Aden by both Flag Ship FS DE GRASSE and ITS LIBECCIO, took place just after a successful disruption of a suspicious skiff by the two EU NAVFOR ships.

ITS LIBECCIO is the first EU NAVFOR ship to be visited by the new Force Commander since the handover of the Force Headquarter’s command.

