Sep 05, 2018 - 13:12
Partnerships and cooperation are important more now than ever in maritime security operations. Working alongside our Japanese partners increases capability and reach as we continue to deter, disrupt and repress piracy.

The Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force’s JS Akebono and EU NAVFOR’s Flagship ESPS Castilla conducted a Passage Exercise (PASSEX) in the Gulf of Aden on the 29th August 2018. The PASSEX included a series of communications and manoeuvring exercises, as well as helicopter training.

These exercises provide the warships a valuable opportunity to test their communication and coordination linkages, and strengthen the mutual understanding of the ships’ capabilities, practices, and procedures.

The successful results of the exercise are a testament to the commitment of participating ships and the respective Task Forces’ Headquarters in contributing to global maritime security through counter-piracy efforts. Atalanta is now more than ships and encouraging cooperation and coordination amongst our partners remains important using all assets at our disposal.
