EU NAVFOR and Chinese PLA(N): ‘An ongoing partnership’

Dec 03, 2018 - 15:15
The deterrence, repression and prevention of piracy remain vital to the maritime shipping industry in the conduct of international trade between East and West; and keeping the sea lanes open with key partners has encouraged over €500 billion* trade in 2017 between China and EU Member States alone.

Medical staff from the EU NAVFOR and the Chinese PLA(N) (Peoples Liberation Army) (Navy) have completed further medical exercises on board the EU NAVFOR flagship ESPS Castilla following detailed planning in Djibouti. Realistic simulations were staged, with the evacuation of casualties onto helicopters and then handling in a ship’s operating theatre. The demonstration, learning and understanding of medical capabilities in demanding situations like these are invaluable skills for life at sea. The shared experience in these exercises will allow EU NAVFOR and the Chinese PLA(N) to be able to work more closely in operational environments should the need arise.

Operation Atalanta is the European Union’s Operation to counter piracy, safeguard World Food Programme humanitarian assistance and protect vulnerable shipping off the coast of Somalia. It has been operating since December 2008 and has recently had the mandate extended to December 2020

