Vice Admiral Rühle
Deputy Chief of German Defense
Rota Naval Base, 02 March 2020 — This morning, the Deputy Chief of German Defense, Vice Admiral Joachim Georg Rühle, visited the multinational Operation Headquarters (OHQ) of the European Union’s (EU) counter-piracy operation, in Rota, Spain.
Operation Commander Major General Antonio Planells introduced Operation ATALANTA to Vice Admiral Rühle and then left the floor to his staff to provide detailed updates on recent events. In particular, the Deputy Chief of German Defense attended briefing on the current situation in theatre.
“On the one hand, I would like to thank Germany for sending soldiers who are doing a really great and effective job here at OHQ Rota. On the other hand, I would like to thank Germany and the German Navy for continuously support this operation right from the beginning. We are looking forward to the German Maritime Patrol Reconnaissance Aircraft in March this year. These eyes from the air are very important for the success of the mission”, explained M.G. Planells

Currently eight German soldiers are working in Rota with Rear Admiral (LH) Wilhelm Tobiias Abry as Deputy Commander.
During the visit, Vice Admiral Rühle appreciated that ATALANTA successfully continues to supress piracy, and to foster a rule based maritime order at sea in the Horn of Africa region.
“The Spanish commintmennt to Operation ATALANTA with naval and maritime air forces has been at a consistently high level since the beginning of Op ATALANTA in 2008. Thus, Spain has made a significant contribution to the mission success in the Horn of Africa so far. This deserves our appreciation and recognition. We have successfully suppressed piracy but piracy is still there. It is not eradicated. It is important to keep that in mind. In particular, I would like to express my sincere thanks for the comradely, professional and exemplary cooperation of our nations in their OHQ and beyond throughout the entire operation”, said Vice Admiral Rühle.