Dear reader,
Throughout the month of June, we continued the high intensity of activities in the Area of Operations. During this period, we have continued to face multiple suspicious approaches to merchant vessels and attempted attacks, keeping our level of effort very high, especially in the Gulf of Aden and around the Somali Basin.
Furthermore, the signature of a protocol between ATALANTA and the Oman Maritime Security Centre is another milestone in our efforts to strengthen and support the existing maritime security structure in the area of Operations I warmly welcome this step, which demonstrates once again the strength of the partnership between Atalanta and the Sultanate of Oman, so crucial to the conduct of our operations.
Finally, the end of the semester brought a new Handover-Takeover between the Italian Force Headquarters embarked on the ITS MARTINENGO, which has been brilliantly commanded by Rear Admiral Saladino, and the current Spanish Force Headquarters embarked on the ESPS NUMANCIA, commanded by Rear Admiral Alvargonzalez, to whom I wish the best of luck in his new demanding command as EUNAVFOR ATALANTA Force Commander.
These first six months of 2024 have been extremely demanding on the military and diplomatic arena. In this period we have been able to tackle with multiple cases of piracy, including the incidents involving the MV ABDULLAH, MV BASILISK and MV CHRYSTAL ARTIC. In addition, we have been able to reinforced our relations with the shipping industry and our partners at the highest level, as demonstrated by the success of the 15th Industry Strategic Meeting in Madrid. I am convinced that this meeting has been key to developing a common vision of maritime security that would benefit everyone involved. Finally, we have also conducted exercises with maritime security forces in Somalia and Kenya, further strengthening the ties that bind us together. Our way forward will be to work tirelessly to preserve and even increase our efforts in the rest of the year.
Vice Admiral Ignacio Villanueva Serrano
EUNAVFOR ATALANTA Operation Commander

During the month of May, up to five (5) bulletins on the piracy threat off the coast of Somalia issued on the Maritime Security Centre – Horn of Africa (MSCHOA) website were promoted on EUNAVFOR ATALANTA's social media accounts for a wider dissemination of information. This updated version includes infographic data, a list of cases and the assessment of EUNAVFOR ATALANTA.

On 12 June, EUNAVFOR Operation ATALANTA Commander Vice Admiral Villanueva Serrano paid his first official visit to the Sultanate of Oman. The purpose of the visit was the signature of the Protocol of Coordination and Cooperation between the Maritime Security Centre in Muscat and Operation ATALANTA.
This protocol signed enhances the already well-established relationship with the Maritime Security Centre, highlighting the cooperation on various areas including sharing information, coordination and the logistical aspect. All of this to anticipate and avoid maritime incidents, improving the freedom of navigation in the Western Indian Ocean.
The protocol was signed by Rear Admiral Saif Nassir Al Rahbi, Commander of the Royal Navy of Oman, Head of the Maritime Security Committee on the side of the Maritime Security Centre of Muscat and by Vice Admiral Villanueva Serrano on ATALANTA’s side.

During his visit to Oman, ATALANTA Operation Commander Villanueva had the honour to meet with the under-secretary for diplomatic and politic affairs, H.E. Sheikh Khalifa Al-Harty. Vice Admiral Villanueva expressed the gratitude for the support that ATALANTA receives from the Sultanate of Oman, and they discussed about possible further collaboration.

From the 05 to the 08 of June, the Force Commander Rear Admiral Saladino had several meetings to improve the relationship and discuss collaboration on maritime security during the visit to Muscat (Oman) of the Operation ATALANTA flagship, ITS MARTINENGO.

In addition, he had the opportunity to hold an office call with the Royal Omani Police Assistant Commander of Coast Guard, Colonel Abdulaziz Mohammed Al-Jabri, and with the Deputy Commander of Maritime Security Center, Captain Ahmed Al Khatri.

During the time visit of Operation ATALANTA flagship ITS MARTINENGO to Muscat (Oman), representatives from Embassies of EU countries were hosted on board the ship for a briefing on Operation ATALANTA capabilities and activities during the last months.

On 12 June, the ESPS frigate NUMNACIA joined Operation ATALANTA as new asset, replacing the frigate CANARIAS after her four-month tour. During the rotation, ESPS CANARIAS took part in multiple maritime security incidents, including the piracy events against the merchant ships CHRYSTAL ARTIC and BASILISK.

On 20 June, Spanish Rear Admiral Manuel Alvargonzalez Mendez assumed command of the 47th rotation as Force Commander of the European Naval Force (EUNAVFOR) ATALANTA. He takes command of Task Force 465 from Italian Rear Admiral Francesco Saladino who was in command since 11 February 2024. The ceremony, which took place on the Italian ship MARTINENGO in the Port of Djibouti, was chaired by the EUNAVFOR Deputy Operation Commander Rear Admiral Éric Dousson.
In June, EUNAVFOR ATALANTA has celebrated the following National days:

From 10 to 14 June, EUNAVFOR ATALANTA representatives participated in the Operation COMPASS ROSE III in Bahrain. The Combined Task Force 154 hosted the exercise, in which EUNAVFOR experts provided training to CMF nations and partners in Maritime Law and Public Affairs. ATALANTA is a regular partner in this type of capacity enhancement exercise, which shows the close relationship between the two forces and their commitment to provide expertise and support to all actors in maritime security in the Indian Ocean.

EUNAVFOR ATALANTA representative took part in the workshop organized by EUCAP Somalia with the participation of the Ministry of Fisheries and Blue Economy of Somalia. The workshop focused on the fight against Illegal Unreported and Unregulated (IUU) fishing.
Monitoring IUU fishing is one of the main tasks of ATALANTA mandate. Operation ATALANTA is fully committed to fight IUU fishing in its Area of Operations.

On 27 June, EUNAVFOR ATALANTA representatives participated in the Maritime Security & Cooperation Forum, in Brest, France, which addressed the multifaceted challenges of maritime security and cooperation. Organized by the French Navy and Armateurs de France (ADF), the forum gathered key stakeholders from the maritime industry, navies, and international organizations. Notable participants included Admiral Nicolas Vaujour, Chief of the French Navy, and Edouard Louis-Dreyfus, President of Armateurs de France, among others.
Discussions covered the strategic importance of maritime space, the evolution of maritime threats, and the critical need for cooperation between navies and shipping companies. Panels addressed topics such as freedom of navigation, information sharing, and seafarer protection, emphasizing the necessity of collective efforts and advanced technology to enhance global maritime security.
During the month of June, two (2) Spanish frigates, one (1) Netherlands logistic warship and three (3) Italian destroyers took part in different support modalities to EUNAVFOR ATALANTA.