ATALANTA confirms the release of the “SAYTUUN-2”, the Yemeni fishing boat hijacked off Garmaal, Northern coast of Puntland (Somalia). The sequence of events has been as follows:
On 17 February, EUNAVFOR ATALANTA was informed of a suspected pirate attack on a Yemeni-flagged dhow* off Garmaal, in the vicinity of Eyl, Northern coast of Puntland (Somalia). The incident was classified as ARMED ROBBERY AT SEA** and the vessel has been under pirate activity from 17 to 22 of February. EUNAVFOR ATALANTA has been permanent monitoring the event and coordinating closely with security partners in the area.
On 22 February, the fishing vessel was vacated by the alleged pirates after they stole some of the crew’s belongings.
On 23 February early in the morning, ATALANTA conducted a friendly approach and gathered information from the fishing vessel crew. They reported that, after the pirate boarding, they proceeded to high seas with the alleged pirates armed and equipped with ladders, and after several days, the alleged pirates abandoned the ship and further intentions. Right now the crew is safe and free of movement.
The successful cooperation with the Yemeni Coast Guard and Puntland Maritime Police Force (PMPF), one of the key Somali police forces, is being crucial to face the fight against piracy in the area.
ATALANTA assessment and recommendations are shared through the appropriate channels with the shipping operators and updated on the Maritime Security Centre Indian Ocean (MSCIO) website ( This is the second pirate attack detected in the Northern coast of Puntland during the last weeks, and it should not be discarded that similar organised piracy incidents might take place again in the area.
EUNAVFOR ATALANTA remains vigilant to any piracy-related events in its Area of Operations to ensure the maritime security. Operation ATALANTA strongly recommends merchant and other vulnerable vessels to register in the MSCIO's Voluntary Registration Scheme (VRS), to provide the most effective monitoring and response by ATALANTA forces and their partners in countering maritime security threats.
*Regional fishing boat.
**ARMED ROBBERY AT SEA: piracy case within territorial waters.