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On 10 June, the winners of the Safety at Sea International Awards 2009 were presented their trophies at the Hotel Bristol in Oslo, Norway. Shipping companies that introduced safety related products and/or services that were new to the market in 2008 could enter.
Jun 22, 2009
EU NAVFOR Operation Atalanta was established on December 8, 2008 in accordance with United Nations Security Council Resolutions.
Jun 17, 2009
The Council of the European Union agreed on Monday 15 June 2009 that EU NAVFOR - Operation Atalanta should be extended for one year from its current end date of 13 December 2009.
Jun 15, 2009
Early today four sailors from Somalia, who had been rescued during a distress at sea incident, were safely brought back to their home country by a French EU NAVFOR warship.
Jun 07, 2009
Today Rear Admiral Peter Hudson CBE assumed command of the European Union Naval Force Operation Atalanta, the EU anti-piracy-campaign in the Horn of Africa area. The hand over was conducted in the Operational Headquarters in Northwood near London.
Jun 03, 2009
Countermeasures against acts of piracy taken by merchant vessels sailing the Gulf of Aden and the Somali Basin and facing the piracy threat in these areas, are becoming more and more effective.
Jun 01, 2009
At 0758 UTC on May 28th 2009 inside the Gulf of Aden, a reported pirate attack occurred against a Norwegian owned bulk carrier sailing under Liberian flag.
May 28, 2009