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On IMO World Maritime Day, EU NAVFOR Somalia would like to recognise and offer its continued support to all seafarers on board merchant vessels by contributing and maintaining a safe and secure maritime environment, as they uphold the movement of trade around the world.
Sep 24, 2020
On Sunday morning of June, 21st, , the two warships came together to practise various joint exercises and trainings, including a Crossdeck exercise with Vertical Replenishment conducted by the JS OHNAMI helicopter, a Replenishments at sea, as well we Communication and Firing exercises.
Sep 21, 2020
“European Union Naval Force Operation Atalanta continues fighting piracy, but we are also relevant in providing safety and security in these waters, to the international community and to the Somalian people”
Jul 28, 2020
Last 14 of July, Special Advisor for Industry Relations Mr Simon Church represented EU NAVFOR Somalia Operation Atalanta at a webinar on the State of Maritime Piracy in 2019.
Jul 23, 2020
The new trimaran Bajamar Expess of the Fred Olsen Express commercial ferry company traveling from Australia towards the Canary Islands requested support of EU NAVFOR Somalia Operation Atalanta for the transit through the International Recommended Transit Corridor.
Jul 20, 2020
ESPS frigate Santa Maria joined Operation Atalanta last month. Her mission is to protect the World Food Programme vessels and to deter, prevent and repress piracy off the coast of Somalia.
Jul 08, 2020
While Somalia is facing one of the world's biggest public health threats from COVID-19, the country is also struggling with floods in the north that have killed 24 people and are affecting over 700 000 people in 24 districts. These floods have also displaced almost 283 000 people in the area.
Jun 19, 2020
One of the underlining causes of piracy in Somalia is its very fragile economy. Somalia has the longest coastline in Africa and one of the world most untapped marine resources. The 3300 kms of fertile fishing grounds could be the key to transform the economy of this otherwise arid country.
Jun 17, 2020
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May 19, 2020
‘Every challenge brings a new opportunity to succeed’ Rear Admiral Ignacio Villanueva 34th Rotation Force Commander
May 17, 2020
Despite World Pandemic and after passed strict security protocols based on quarantine periods and testing, the EU NAVFOR Somalia Operation ATALANTA 34th FHQ started its embarked rotation on 3rd may 2020.
May 13, 2020